First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak
529 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak MI 48067 • 248-541-0108 • fpcro@fpcro.org

529 Hendrie Blvd

Worship at 10:30 am or by Livestream anytime!

Join us for worship! Masks are optional but welcome.

529 Hendrie Blvd
Who We Are
We welcome all who come seeking meaning in their lives and wondering about the gifts of God. We approach our faith ready to ask questions and with enough courage to share our doubts. People of all backgrounds, traditions, and orientations, are invited and welcome to join us on the journey. If you have questions about our church or want to learn more, please feel free to call or email our pastor, Rev. Emma Nickel.
We are always growing as a community of believers, reaching out in love to the world. Our community is centered on the promise of God's grace given freely to all and the love of God in Jesus Christ. Our message is one of hope. Our actions are focused on justice. Our life together is centered in love and compassion.
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and we value our connections with sisters and brothers in the Presbyterian Church and in the church universal.
Sunday Worship Service
Join us for worship any Sunday at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.
Church Office Hours
Mon, 9 am–1 pm • Tues, 9 am–7 pm • Wed, 9 am–3 pm • Thur, 9 am–3 pm • Fri, 9 am–1 pm