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Events and Calendar

Naomi-Ruth Fellowship Circle
Usher's in Worship
Need a Ride to Church?
Sunburst Singers Music Program for children

​​​Lenten Devotional

Pick up a paper copy of the FPCRO Lenten Devotional on Sunday, March 2 or download a PDF if you prefer to view it each day on a device. Many members of the congregation have shared their personal faith experiences as a way to guide us through the season of Lent as we explore topics that include learning, turning, wilderness, journey, struggle, and spiritual practices. We hope you will enjoy
this opportunity to deepen your faith and draw closer to fellow church members.


Visit a New Mission Partner—Building Beds 4 Kids in Oak Park

After worship and a brief coffee hour on Sunday, March 9, drive the short distance to Building Beds 4 Kids at 14241 W. Eleven Mile Road in Oak Park for a tour. (Please note: the parking and building entrance are at the rear of the building.) This local organization, run by fellow Presbyterians, is a 501(C)(3) and utilizes an all-volunteer staff and workforce. At no cost to families, Building Beds 4 Kids provide beds to kids who have no bed to sleep in—often in situations of fleeing domestic violence, foster care, or other family transitions. Over the last two years, two FPCRO congregation members have been serving here weekly, sanding the bed frames before they are assembled by other volunteers. We expect the tour to last until around 1pm. The Session recently approved a financial gift to BB4K from our Mission budget. We hope you can join us!


Women’s Fellowship Group

The Women’s Group will meet at North End Taproom (111 S. Main St., Royal Oak) on Monday, March 10 at 7pm. The Taproom offers beverages, including non-alcoholic options, and food. Women of all ages and stages are invited to participate for fellowship, friendship, and conversation.


Upcoming Memorial Services

The congregation is reminded of the memorial service for Hans Jorgensen on Saturday, March 15 at 10am, and for Vera-Anne Corwin on Sunday, March 16 at 2pm in the sanctuary.


Upcoming March S.T.A.G.E. Dates

Regular meeting at FPCB from 4:30am-6:30pm on March 2. Regular meeting at FPCRO from 4:30am-6:30pm on March 16.  S.T.A.G.E. (Somewhere to Ask God Everything) is a collaborative youth group which strives to build lifelong relationships, impact the communities we live in, and learn about and share the love of Christ! Join our newsletter for all the details on our meetings, added service events during the year, and summer mission work! Meetings are open to all Middle and High School Students (6th-12th grade)


​Snacks & Board Games after Worship March 23

Join the Worship and Nurture Committee for a fun-filled coffee hour after the service on Sunday, March 23. Bring your favorite intergenerational board or card game to play! We'll enjoy snacks and coffee while everyone is invited to have a few rounds of Guess Who?, Candy Land, Taboo, Dominoes, Spades or other fun games. We'll wrap up the fun at 12:30pm.


Tom & Ruth Kirkman Scholarship Fund for Higher Education

Are you discerning higher education for yourself? Church members who are high school seniors and older are eligible to apply for a one-time scholarship through the Kirkman Scholarship Fund. This fund allows us to award members who are seeking higher education. Most forms of higher education are eligible for scholarships. They are not limited to colleges and universities. It is not necessary to name your place of learning at the time you apply. Awarded checks will be mailed to the school later in the year. Applications are available on our church website. If you would like more information, please contact Joelle Jarrait.


Lunch and Learn • Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s & Dementia

On Sunday, April 6, from 11:30am-1pm, the Deacons invite all to lunch, and then to learn the Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s & Dementia. FPCRO member Karen Kline is a Volunteer Community Educator with the Alzheimer’s Association. She’ll share information for those who want to learn more about the warning signs of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and those who have noticed memory or thinking changes in themselves or others. There will be a question-and-answer time offered. Sign-up to attend online or at the reception desk. If you would like to have childcare, contact Pastor Emma Nickel.


One Great Hour of Sharing Fish Banks

On March 9 children are receiving a One Great Hour of Sharing fish bank. During Lent they are invited to collect spare change and dollar bills for their bank. One Great Hour of Sharing is a special offering collected through the Presbyterian Church (USA). Money collected supports efforts to offer relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed. Click here to learn more about this and other special offerings of the PCUSA. Envelopes will be available in April as we dedicate the offering on Palm Sunday, April 13.


Mark Your Calendars for Holy Week and Easter Services

Maundy Thursday—April 17 at 7pm
Good Friday—April 18 at 7pm
Easter Sunday—April 20 at 10:30am (one service only)


Discussion of Lenten Devotional, 7pm • Tuesday, April 22

Mark your calendar now for Tuesday, April 22 for an evening to discuss the Lenten Devotional, after we’ve had a chance to enjoy all the entries. Come to share about the process of writing your entry. Come to talk about the insights you gained in reading the entries throughout the season.


True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World! VBS 2025

Register Today! June 23-27 from 9am to 12pm. To register, click here.

Volunteer at True North VBS!

Our 2025 VBS is June 23-27! This is a wonderful week of sharing God’s word with our church children and the children of our community. We are looking for volunteers for a variety of areas. Not only do we need helpers during the event, but also helpers for planning and designing sets and props. Please visit our Sign-up Genius to join in on the fun!


Everything is Free! Saturday, April 26 • 10am–12noon

In partnership with Buy Nothing Royal Oak (Northwest, Northeast, Central, and South), FPCRO is hosting a second annual free sale where everything is free! The event will take place in the parking lots of the church. (Rain date is Saturday, May 3, 2025.)
If you plan to come with gifts to give to neighbors for free, please sign up using this link. “Gifters” should plan to set up their items between 9:30am and 10am near their vehicle. Gifters must stay for the duration of the event and staff their area—though of course you can ‘shop’ during the event! Gifters are responsible for their own set-up and clean-up of all items. No items may be left at the church ahead of the event. No items may be left at the church for disposal, nor placed in the dumpster, following the event.
Volunteers from FPCRO will be needed for this event. If you can spend some time helping out, please sign up using this link. Serve as a parking lot attendant, or serve as a host at our church booth, including set-up and clean-up time. Starting at 9:15am, volunteers will set up tents, bring out tables, and set-out church items for gifting. Then they will staff the booth, as ‘shoppers’ look for items during the event. We need volunteers to give directions to our church’s restrooms and water fountains. These volunteers may stay until 12:30pm to help clean-up the church booth and move items back inside. If you have questions, you may contact Pastor Emma or Chris Klein.


Naomi-Ruth Circle Meets Wednesdays at 10:30am

Women of FPCRO, mark your calendars and attend Naomi-Ruth Circle! Circle meets at 10:30am in the Fireside Room the second Wednesday of the month September to June. We begin with fellowship and snacks, share joys and concerns, and learn of various missions, and conclude with Bible Study. This year’s study is “Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke through Acts,” produced by Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible Study.


Opportunity to Usher on Sunday Mornings

The Worship and Nurture Committee is looking for ushers. Simply arrive 20-25 minutes ahead of
the 10:30am service to greet folks and hand out bulletins. After worship, retrieve the completed
pew rack Friendship pad forms. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Narthex. Questions? Contact Gail Meengs.


Need a Ride to Church?

The Deacons want to ensure that everyone who wants to come to church can get here! Roger Watson is the transportation advocate on the Board of Deacons. If you need a ride to church, or would like to have a ride occasionally, please get in touch with Roger. Or call the church office to get his contact information. Roger can work with you to see how we can arrange a ride for you to join us for worship.


​Sunburst Singers Music Program for Children

Join our music program for kids (preschool through early middle school), following worship on the first and third Sundays of each month from September through June.​

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