First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak
529 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak MI 48067 • 248-541-0108 • fpcro@fpcro.org
Worship Schedule

Worship at 10:30am
The 10:30am service in the Sanctuary is livestreamed to our Vimeo, YouTube, and Facebook pages and is available to watch on those pages later at your convenience. Access the bulletin for worship and a printed copy of the sermon here.
Our Prayground space for young children is open and available in the sanctuary for families to use during worship. It includes quiet, faith-based activities and comfortable furniture for children.
We offer Sunday school for children aged preschool-through 5th grade weekly. Children begin in the worship service and then, after a short Time with the Children, go to Sunday school classes with their teachers for the remainder of the service.
Our Nursery is open for infants and toddlers for any family who prefers to have childcare during the worship service. All nursery staff and Sunday school teachers are fully background checked and trained in our Child and Youth Safety Policy.
On the first Sunday of the month, we enjoy communion at the Lord's Table. Everyone is welcome to receive communion! You are welcome at God’s table here regardless of your denomination or affiliation. A gluten free option is available. Those at home are invited to participate using elements they have nearby (cracker or bread; juice, wine or water).
Watch a livestream of the 10:30am service on Sundays on our Vimeo page, YouTube page, or our Facebook page. (Or anytime later in the day/week.) If you access the service on the Facebook page, you may need to scroll down until you see the post for the service. Anyone can view the service on Facebook, whether or you have a Facebook account yourself. Call the office if you have any trouble finding or accessing the service — we want to help!
If you would like to follow along in the service with our printed bulletin, download a copy here.