First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak
529 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak MI 48067 • 248-541-0108 • fpcro@fpcro.org
Planned Giving

The symbol of the sunburst is central to our lives at First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak. We see it over our communion table as a symbol of our light and the light of Christ, and it perpetually reminds us to shine that light into all the world.
The symbol of the lamp appears on the lectern in the sanctuary. Oil lamps have long symbolized both the light of Christ and the word of God. Psalm 19 says God’s word is a lamp to our feet. In Matthew, Jesus invited us to let our light shine like the lamp on the lamp stand.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned giving is an opportunity to share the gifts that God has given you during your lifetime. Such gifts are arranged in the present for future distribution. A planned gift helps share the light of Christ while taking FPCRO and our mission into the future.
Planned giving may offer tax benefits to you or your family by reducing federal and/or state tax burdens. It also offers the knowledge that you have made a meaningful and lasting gift to the future of our church.
How Do You Make a Planned Gift?
There are a variety of ways to include FPCRO in your estate plans. Some of the ways to include FPCRO in your plans are to: Name FPCRO in your will; Name FPCRO in your Trust; Name FPCRO as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy; Name FPCRO as a beneficiary of your retirement plan/IRA; Establish a charitable gift annuity or trust to benefit FPCRO. As with any decision regarding your finances or estate, please consult your attorney or financial planner for how planned giving may benefit your estate plan.
Who Are Sunburst Stewards?
Sunburst Stewards are members and friends who seek to build the future of First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak through planned giving in their estate. Gifts of any amount are welcome and celebrated. The goal of the Sunburst Stewards is to build the church’s endowment fund, and thus ensure the future of FPCRO and our mission for generations to come.
Donors may remain anonymous, but with permission, they may be recognized in church publications by name to celebrate their generosity and to encourage others to consider making such a gift.
Shining God’s Light Into the Future…
Sunburst Stewards is a way of honoring members who have included the church in their estate plans with a gift to the endowment. Knowledge of bequests and future gifts offers the church the opportunity to thank donors for their gifts and allows church leadership to plan for the future.
Sunburst Stewards will be invited to occasional events and celebrations to celebrate and honor their generosity, and to promote planned giving within the church. With their permission, Sunburst Stewards will be acknowledged in church publications.
The ultimate benefit comes from knowing that we have recognized the importance of God in our lives and have made a powerful witness of that love through a gift to the church.
For more information about Sunburst Stewards, please contact Rev. Emma Nickel or
the chairperson of the Finance and Investment Committee. All information given will remain confidential.