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5Fs Small Group Ministry

5Fs groups are a tradition at our church. They are small groups that gets together for fun, food, fellowship, friends, and faith. Usually 10-12 people form a group because of a common interest or life stage. The intent is to connect with friends and to grow in faith. Most meet once a month at the church or at someone’s home for a meal and faith discussion. One member says, “my friends in my 5Fs group have been there for me through life’s ups and downs.” 


Greeting, Ushering, and Hospitality

Greeting, ushering, and serving with the Worship & Nurture Committee are easy ways to become active in the life of FPCRO. Greeters begin welcoming members and visitors into our sanctuary about 20 minutes before the start of the 10:30am service on Sunday. If you would like to serve as a greeter, sign up on the sheet located in the hallway across from the Christian Education Lobby reception desk. Ushers distribute worship bulletins to members and visitors as they enter the Evans Chapel for the 9am service, or the Sanctuary for the 10:30am service, and also collect the offering.


The Deacons and Worship and Nurture Committee host coffee hour and fellowship time the second Sunday each month following the worship services. They love to partner with others to help serve and welcome folks to our church. To serve as a coffee hour host, sign up on the sheet in the Christian Education lobby near the reception desk.

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